Event Mobile App

Enhance your attendees' experience with a native mobile app that provides your event details, schedules, registration, payments, messaging, attendee directories, digital badges, and check-ins.

Captain Eventene

A Personalized Event Guide

The Eventene Mobile App enhances the experience for every event, even smaller events with 35 attendees. Guests can view important event details, including the agenda, their personalized schedule, venue maps, wi-fi codes, speakers, sponsors, resources, and more.

Organizers and event staff use the same app to check-in attendees and send notifications throughout the event.
Event Details

Agenda items appear on live scroll that updates as the event progresses.


Attendees socialize and engage with each other via live chat messaging with push notifications.

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Guests can register initially or update their previous registrations directly in the mobile app, a unique capability in the industry.

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All Events

The app allows guests to view other events they are invited to by switching between events. It's a great way to build communities.

Mobile App

Event Details

The mobile app ensures each attendee receives a personalized schedule and access to all published event information.  

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Personalized Schedule
Attendees only see the activities and sessions for which they are invited, and everyone's list is personalized. For example, VIP sessions will only be visible to the VIPs and the organizers. The Details page shows live updates for what's coming up next.
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Indoor / Outdoor Navigation
Guests can click on links to different venues and navigate via the mapping apps on their phone. Internal navigation and wayfinding is also possible with our add-on feature (learn more).
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Virtual Attendees
If the event is fully or partially virtual, attendees can launch into the virtual environment at any time. The Eventene Mobile App becomes the bridging technology between in-person and virtual events.
Mobile App

Chat Messaging

Attendees can socialize and engage with each other via live chat messaging with push notifications.

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Event staff can also broadcast event related news and announcements. Important messages can be pinned.
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Guests can read, post, and reply to messages, just like they are used to on other social feeds like Facebook or WhatsApp.
Event Feed
Every event gets its own event feed, a single social wall for all the participants to see and participate in. Other chats an be set up for individual activities and 1:1 private chatting.
Event staff can moderate the chats to highlight some, remove others, and even mute or ban users who post inappropriately.
Mobile App

Attendee Details

Organizers and event staff can view attendee contact information and other details by clicking on their name on the Attendees or Assignments tabs. Each attendee can opt out of visibility if they prefer.

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Custom Fields
Besides the attendee's name and email, any custom fields that are marked as public will also appear on the Details page.
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Attendee Engagement
With published attendee lists, all the guests can contact each other directly by clicking on email or phone links in an attendee's details.
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If the attendees list is public for other attendees to see, each person can opt out of appearing in any attendee lists by changing a setting in their profile.
Mobile App


Provide a special details page to highlight each of your speakers, including photos, title, organization, bio, and social media links.

Name, Title, Organization, Bio
Highlight each speaker with a professional layout that emphasizes their importance to your event.
Social Media Links
Add links to social media accounts, including a personal website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and video site.
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Related Sessions
List the sessions each speaker is associated with, including group panels.
Mobile App


Feature your sponsors prominently on their own page, with multiple levels of support.

Sponsor Logos
Sponsor logos are featured prominently to highlight their brand and association with your event.
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Sponsorship Levels
Create multiple categories to place sponsors at their appropriate levels on the page.
Sponsor Content
Add links to activate the logos to load the sponsor's websites. Optionally add interstitial pages for each sponsor to include additional images, links, video clips, product downloads, and more.
Mobile App

Interactive Maps

Create a unique experience for your guests, where they can discover points of interest and find their way between locations and rooms. Ideal for large event venues with 100 or more guests. Note that interactive indoor mapping is an add-on feature to each of our subscription plans (read more).

Getting Around
Make it easier for your guests to find their way around the spaces, between buildings, and even off-site.
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Discover Points of Interest
Show the nearest restrooms, coffee carts, ATM machines, water fountains, and other unique points of interest.
Find Sponsors and Exhibitors
Guide your guests to visit the sponsors and exhibitors they are interested in.
Learn More

Check-in by QR Code

Organizers and event staff use the same app to check-in attendees at each activity, class, or session. Full date and time details are recorded with every check-in for later reference on reports. A separate check-out action is useful for recording the time spent at a session for continuing education credits.
Attendee QR Codes

Every attendee has a unique QR code, which they can pull up from the main page of the event. Organizers scan the same code to check each attendee into a session or activity.

Mobile App

Check-in by Name

Organizers and event staff use the same app to check-in attendees at each activity, class, or session. Full date and time details are recorded with every check-in for later reference on reports. A separate check-out action is useful for recording the time spent at a session for continuing education credits.

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Checking In Attendees
Event staff can check-in attendees by multi-selecting them, swiping right on a single name, or scanning a QR code. Accidental check-ins can be easily reset.
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Different Entry Points
If your venue has multiple points of entry, two or more Event staff can check-in attendees at the same time. Pulling down on the list refreshes the "Checked In" labels to stay in sync with the other staff members.
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Offline Mode
If the Wi-Fi drops out or you're checking in guests in a remote location, the Mobile App can operate completely offline and sync up with the system once the network is restored.
Mobile App

Table Assignments

Organizers can easily create seating charts by arranging guests into specific table assignments in the Eventene web app and viewing them in the mobile app.

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Publishing the Assignments
The Mobile App provides each attendee with their table assignment and shows them who else they will be sitting with.
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Check In at the Table
Event staff can check in guests by name assigned to indivdual tables, similarly to checking them in by name on the full Attendees list.
Attendee Details
Guests can click on the names of other people assigned to the same table and view any contact information shared for the event. Note that attendees can opt-out of visibility for privacy.
Mobile App


The full registration experience from the web response forms is recreated in the mobile app. Attendees can use the mobile app to register for new events or update a previous registration with new attendance status or survey question responses.

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Simple or Complex Registrations
Simple events require a single response to attend, but you can build more sophisticated forms that include activity sign ups, optional meetings, and separate payment options that correspond with attendance.
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Survey Questions
Ask your guests any questions you want during registration, using up to 12 question types. Our surveys feature build-in skipping logic to show only relevant questions that match their attending selections.
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Payment Options
Allow your attendees to pay by debit/credit card, cash, or other payment method. You can mark guests as pre-paid before the register or grant coupons to selected guests for reduced or free attending options.

Ready to Learn More?

Learn about our system, watch a demo, or contact us to schedule a one-on-one conversation to learn how Eventene can transform your business.